How to Onboard Remote Employees
Global Workplace Analytics estimates that 25-30 percent of the workforce will be working remotely multiple times a week by the end of 2021.
While many companies instituted a hiring freeze when the pandemic hit, many others started hiring more employees to fill the demand. As business begins to ramp up again, many companies will need to adapt to a new normal – remote workspaces. However, some are struggling with remote workspaces and remote hiring in particular. How do you effectively onboard a new hire without the personal interaction of face-to-face communication?
At Employer Support Services, we’re here to help you with remote onboarding tips and onboarding software.
When onboarding your new employees, you’ll need to consider the equipment, programs, and tools they’ll need. Will you be shipping their equipment to them, or do you expect them to pick them up from a designated location? Will the IT department need to install specific programs beforehand, or can they do so through remote access?
Setting up these protocols and systems for new employees now will ensure your hiring process goes smoothly in the future. It will also ensure that your new hires will have all the tools and programs they need to do their jobs.
Orientation is a crucial part of onboarding a new employee. Managers or human resources will need to create an electronic version of the company handbook, company culture guide, policies, and procedures. Whether they email the copies to the new employee for review or host them on a secure intranet for easy access by all employees is up to your personal preference.
In addition, managers can host virtual orientation sessions with new employees using any number of video communication or video conferencing software. New employees should still expect to have a set meeting time and meet all requirements of in-person orientation, with the exception of their physical attendance at the job site.
If you’d like additional onboarding and orientation assistance for your new remote employees, contact ESS today. Our onboarding services will ensure your new employees get the training they need and that your company gets the documentation it needs for proper onboarding.
Depending on the job, training might be a little more difficult; however, video conferencing should be able to replace most in-person training sessions. Most video conferencing software incorporates screen-sharing abilities, as well as mouse and keyboard control. With these features, managers should be able to show new employees any programs they need to use as well as internal workflows and processes.
It will be important to be extra clear on job responsibilities since communication will be more limited in a remote space. Be sure to ask new employees for clarification or an overview of what you covered after each training session as well. Since working remotely can come with additional distractions, it is important to make sure they understand what they are responsible for and that you correct any errors early.
Remote working comes with many challenges. According to Business Insider, one of the biggest challenges to remote working is isolation. When onboarding a new employee, it is a wise decision to assign the new employee a mentor within their department. Mentors should video conference with the new employee daily or several times a week at a minimum.
Human resources or the manager should also do frequent check-ins for several months until the new employee is settled. Both a mentor and the check-ins will help ensure the employee is not isolated and has someone to bring up concerns with when there are difficulties or problems.
Many companies have also instituted chat client software or instant messaging software to encourage open communication in the office or in departments.
When it comes to onboarding remotely, Employer Support Services is here to help with tips and services. For more information or onboarding assistance, talk to us today.